For many men, it is easier to ignore their baldness than accept the truth. If you are reading this post on ‘Ways to know if you are going bald’ chances are you have one or more of the hair loss symptoms below. Most men will experience male pattern baldness at some point in their life. The reasons why will vary, but the end result is often the same. The longer you wait to address it, the more difficult it is to find a remedy that works for you.
Here are 4 ways to know if you are going bald:
1. Your hair is falling out
Most of us lose hair every day. People who comb and brush regularly can lose between 50-100 strands a day. Usually it grows back. But if it isn’t, you may see your hair start to thin. When you start noticing a lot of hair on your pillow, in the shower, or in your comb, it is probably time to start looking at hair loss treatment.
2. Hair loss is in the family
Half of all adults lose some sort of hair by the time they reach 40. For men who have a father that is bald, they are likely to experience it too. Science is still debating whether it is mum or dad who is to blame. Either way, if there is baldness in your family, you are more likely to inherit it and will have to deal with it at some stage.
3. Your hairline is receding
If your hairline is receding, this is a big indicator of baldness. However, men often ignore it, when addressing it earlier would help find a solution. If you are brushing your hair and it isn’t styling as it used to, then that is a sign of a receding hairline. Thinning hair around the temples and the development of an M-shaped hairline are also key indicators.
4. Your scalp is becoming more visible
When you begin to see parts of your scalp through your hair, it is likely you are starting to go bald. This will probably continue until bald spots start to appear. Long gone are the days when you had a healthy bush of hair all over. But there’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s only natural and the good thing is there is something you can do about it.
Treatment for men who are going bald: scalp micropigmentation
No matter what stage of hair loss you are experiencing, scalp micropigmentation can help. This breakthrough treatment has helped thousands of men in the UK and US. It is a non-surgical solution that is cost effective and stays in place for years.
The technicians apply pigments to the scalp to create the effect of a natural hairline. Scalp micropigmentation is ideal for adding extra hair density, covering up bald spots, or to form a brand new shaved head look. Not only can it perfectly match your preferred hair colour, you control the height, shape and density of the treatment.
In as little as 3 sessions, you can remedy your hair loss and restore your confidence. The treatment is carried out by qualified professionals who have all used the solution themselves. Whether your hair is falling out, or it is thinning or receding, scalp micropigmentation is a long last remedy that can change your life for the better today.
Before Scalp Micropigmentation
After Scalp Micropigmentation
Skalp® have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.
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