Cures for hair loss have always been somewhat the remit of snake oil sales men. As one of our recent posts shows, there’s been any number of wild and wacky cures for people losing their hair since time immemorial and the vast majority haven’t been a notable success. Put simply, there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the individual or individuals that can cure hair loss.
In the last few months a number of new therapies have been touted as potentially being able to prevent, cure or halt the loss of hair and we’re going to take a closer look at them.
Propolis is otherwise known as bee glue or bee pollen and is most well known as the patchwork bees’ use around the hive. For centuries propolis has been touted as a cure for ailments large and small and now hair loss is also on the menu. The substance which was first tested on clean shaven mice contains two items that stimulate hair growth kaempferol and caffeic acid. Based on the results from the tests, scientists theorise that propolis could accelerate hair growth. Additionally, the substance has anti-inflammatory properties and so due to this it could also prevent hair loss. However, currently there is limited research and inadequate evidence to show propolis’ efficacy.
Platelet Therapy
This therapy has been around for a number of decades and has been used for a variety of different treatments. The treatment involves taking blood platelets from a patient’s blood and the stem cells from another donor’s amniotic fluid and combining them, before delivering to the area of treatment via needle.
According to those offering the treatment this stimulates the area and promotes growth of the existing hair follicles. The treatment itself is in infant stages and currently doesn’t provide a long term cure. However, it’s known to work for up to 18 months and potentially could be a way of permanently regenerating lost hair in the future. However, as we’ve said before, the treatment is still in the very early stages.
A New Scalp
Of course, you may have seen that a man received a skull and scalp transplant last week. The fifteen hour transplant was used to heal a large head wound the man had related to cancer treatments. This was thought to be the first transplant from a human donor and was a 10 by 10 skull graft using a 15 inch wide piece of skin. Needless to say the transplant was used for a major issue, however who is to say with time and a little more practice that such a surgery won’t become common place and used for more cosmetic procedures such as hair transplants?
All three of these therapies or treatments may help people overcome hair loss issues in time. However, there is no proof as yet they will or are practical manners to do so.
It’s just another reason why scalp micropigmentation is the best hair loss solution available today. As you mature, so can the treatment, ensuring you always have a look you are happy and comfortable with. You can find answers to all of your scalp micropigmentation questions on our FAQ page here.
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