
Top tips for caring for your shaven head

The shaven head has taken modern fashion for men by the throat. This symbol of virility, masculinity and zest has been proudly shown off by celebrities across the globe. For those of us mere mortals who are suffering from receding or thinning hair the new fashion is exceptionally good news. No longer do you have to employ a “Bobby Charlton” Comb over to hide your hair loss – now you can look super-cool by just shaving it all off. No-one can tell whether you are making a fashion statement or losing your hair. Perfect.

To compliment this great look Skalp Micro Pigmentation offers a fast treatment to style those shaven looks so, as time passes, you cannot see that disappearing hairline or those odd bits of baldness. Micro pigmentation works by tattooing a stylish hairline across your scalp and each treatment can take as little as three hours!

Whether you are using Skalp’s popular service or not you need to look after your new shaven head. So here are some great tips to look great and stay in the pink:

Hold onto your shampoo and conditioner! 

The first assumption is if you are bald you can get rid of the hair products. Well, not quite. Your hair will continue to grow all the time and your bald head itself is likely to pick up oils and dirt. So when showering just use a dab of shampoo and follow up with some conditioner to keep everything healthy and clean.

Here comes the sun! 

Sometimes it seems our hair has no real function. It just …well…lies there. But the fact is your hair is doing a very important function every time you go out. It protects your head from the burning rays of the sun. So even on cloudy days consider employing a hat from time to time, or get used to carrying sun screen around just in case we get that sudden burst of good weather!

A dry scalp can be rough!

 Just as too much sun can cause a burning issue (as mentioned above) it can also leave your head rough and dry. To combat this get used to drinking a lot of water and also using a sensitive skin moisturiser.

Time for a massage!

 Massaging the scalp can be great for stimulating blood flow. As well as it being an activity that feels good it is promotes healthy living – and if your partner loves your new look he/she may want to do it for you! For the best possible result, use all ten fingers starting from the forehead and slowly moving to the crown and down your neck.

We hope this helps. At Skalp we are always around to offer advice and guidance to make sure your choice to go with Micro Pigmentation is the best you ever made – so please feel free to call us!

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