
Skalp® Micro Pigmentation: What our clients say


Here at Skalp® we could talk for hours about how Micro pigmentation is defying the problems of thinning hair and hair loss. We could write reams about how it has taken the fashion world by storm and is becoming a global phenomenon as we go international. We could evidence factor after factor as to why we have become the leaders in the treatment in the UK. But you know what? We don’t really have to – because our satisfied customers are already talking for us.

And that is about as honest and sincere as you are going to get.

We are proud at Skalp® with the way our unique treatment of micro Pigmentation has made so many clients happy. That it has not only made enormous positive changes to how they look but also to their everyday lives. The changes it has made for our clients has been breath taking. Below are just some of the powerful comments we have received


“When I first heard about Skalp® I was very sceptical….once I had the visualisation done I thought this is for me – I’ve just got to get it done…the first treatment was unbelievable – I just looked in the mirror and I couldn’t believe how good it looked….since I’ve been “Skalped” my confidence is back where it should be – I’m so much more confident”


“…genuinely, hand on heart, I forget I have a hair tattoo because it looks so real…I would recommend Skalp™ to anybody…I am over the moon with the result and really happy I came to Skalp™ to have it done.”


“I used to have to wear hats on stage to make myself look younger…[since the treatment] it is a massive improvement…I personally believe Skalp™ Micro Pigmentation is the most realistic hair loss solution…you can’t put a price on the happiness and confidence this[treatment] is going to give you.”


[after the treatment]it has been a life changing experience…people tend to say to me ‘oh, you’ve cut your hair short!’…they don’t say ‘your bald’ or ‘you look different’…it makes me feel fantastic… like I am myself again…if you suffer from hair loss I would recommend you book a consultation as this will help you to make up your mind.”


“I looked at all the different companies who do the treatment and decided to go with Skalp®. This was because I felt really happy with the guys [here] they made me feel really comfortable…I really can’t fault there friendly customer service…people I do know say it looks amazing and the people I haven’t told about it just don’t know…awesome…people look at me differently now…I get more attention…it will make you feel happier…younger and more confident.”

Skalp® have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Dublin, Marbella, Milan and Amsterdam.

Book an appointment for a complimentary consultation today

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