
Ryan Giggs Opens Up About Hair Loss And Shares Hair Transplant Details

ryan giggs hair transplant results

Back in January, Ryan Giggs discussed his hair loss journey. Giggs is one of the most decorated British footballers of all time. At Manchester United he won every possible trophy in the domestic game on numerous occasions, along with multiple European honours. But while he had it all on the pitch, away from the game he suffered with hair loss and recently opened up about his experience. 

The ex-Manchester United winger and current Wales manager revealed he received a hair transplant in 2017. Ever since he has continued to undergo specialist procedures.

When he was only 30-years-old Giggs discovered he was losing his hair after scoring against Liverpool in rain soaked game.

Giggs explained that once the game was over he went to meet some friends at a pub close to his home. Instead of hearing “well done” the first thing he heard was “what’s happened to your hair?”

Under the spotlight

From that moment on he became quite paranoid about his lack of hair. It was especially tough as Manchester United games are always on TV with millions of viewers watching on from around the world. 

When Giggs was playing in rainy conditions he became even more concerned. The Old Trafford legend believes the public are more sympathetic today about hair loss than 20 years ago.

 Giggs used a variety of specialised shampoos and serums to help increase hair growth. He also went to a doctor to ask for hormone-blocking tablets that are supposed to stop loss of hair.

In 2009 Giggs underwent a course of laser therapy and has since invested in the clinic. He now part owns it along with Mr Henton and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughn.

A new man

Ryan giggs says that when he was playing there was a severe lack of information available about hair loss and he didn’t want to address the problem. 

He went on to admit that he believes the hair transplant has made a major difference to his appearance. 

He does mention there is no scarring on the scalp, although this is the opposite of countless horror stories we have heard from our customers over the years.

While we do not want to doubt Giggs’ own hair loss experience, there is something of a conflict of interest. He now part-owns a hair transplant business and is unlikely to raise any negative points about the procedure.

ryan giggs hair loss

What alternatives to hair transplants are available?

If removing hair from one part of your scalp to another while undergoing invasive surgery isn’t a procedure that sounds appealing to you, there is a great alternative.

Our scalp micropigmentation treatment is the most effective long-term solution available today. And it’s a totally safe, non-surgical procedure. 

The Skalp team are able to recreate the look and shape of a real hairline by placing a hyper realistic tattoo on the scalp. They can match any colour and skin tone perfectly in only a handful of sessions.

It is not only safer than undergoing a hair transplant, but also cheaper. If you are only going through the early stages of hair loss we can help with that too, using specialist techniques to cover bald spots and patches.

Find out more about how our service can transform your appearance by arranging a free consultation today. 

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