
A Must See Transformation! Bobby’s Hairline Restoration Treatment At Skalp

Hairline restoration treatment at Skalp

bobby used botox and hair pieces to hide his thinning hair

Bobby contacted Skalp UK when he was searching for a solution to his receding hairline. Scalp micro pigmentation hairline restoration seemed the best option for him. It was a long term issue that had been a huge source of concern for many years. Since he was 18 years old Bobby had experienced hair loss. This made him feel extremely self-conscious about his receding hairline. It affected his social life and he used hair sprays, concealers and make up to gain confidence.

But while it affected his confidence and self-belief was determined to find a solution. He contacted Skalp as he believed we could help him regain a better quality of life. Bobby arranged a time to visit our Manchester clinic to enquire about our scalp micropigmentation treatment. Read on to find out more about Bobby’s hairline restoration story at Skalp.

Watch Bobby’s Skalp Testimonial Video

What happens at a consultation at Skalp

Bobby was curious to understand how the procedure worked and to see the set-up in our Manchester clinic. He discovered that our friendly practitioners have all had the treatment too. This meant they were in the perfect position to answer any questions and were happy to discuss their own experiences.

This was a new experience for Bobby and we did all we could to make him feel at home. This meant answering all the questions he had about cost and the various stages involved. We were even able to show him a virtual mock-up of his hairline based on his preferences.

Anyone visiting our Skalp clinics across the UK and US are able to see the facilities. This allows them to get a clear understanding of the process and the experts in charge of the treatment. It also presents the opportunity to have a patch test. We do this on a small area of the scalp to ensure there are no adverse skin reactions to the needle or ink.

Bobby before and after scalp micro pigmentation treatment at Skalp

before and after SMP hairline restoration for receding hairline

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The scalp micropigmentation treatment

After the initial consultation Bobby felt very comfortable our treatment would work for him. He was more than happy to book in the required sessions for his head tattoo and we arranged a suitable schedule.

After the free consultation and virtual hairline mock-up we arranged three treatment sessions for Bobby. The first created the hairline and first fill. This was followed by the extra fill and texture, before a final session completed the perfect shaved head look.

In general, standard SMP sessions can last anywhere between 2-3 hours. This depends on the amount of work required, although the practitioner will advise each individual client.


Bobby loves the finished results and feels the treatment had a positive effect on his life. He has received nothing but positive feedback about his new natural appearance. Most of his friends and work colleagues are not even able to tell it is SMP unless he tells them!

We get a sense of achievement when we help our customers to feel better about their hair and appearance. Watching Bobby proudly showing off his new hairline is fantastic after he spent so many years making other parts of his face more extreme so that nobody would notice his hair. Now, bobby is very comfortable in his own skin as says he feels most comfortable looking very natural. We think so too!

skalp hairline restoration

Scalp Micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair loss solution that can give you your freedom back. By choosing to opt for a shaved head look, you no longer have to hide or style your hair. The shaved head look is effortless, timeless and smart. Learn more about scalp micro pigmentation the hairline tattoo that can recreate a full head of shaved hair.

Skalp have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.

Book an appointment for a complimentary consultation today

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