
How To Look Good Bald And Feel Confident As A Bald Man

As attractive as your hair is while you have it, there is no reason why you can’t look great if you go bald. From Vin Diesel to Bruce Willis, there are plenty of men who know how to rock a bald head while being seen as devilishly good-looking. Sadly, baldness can be a difficult and sensitive issue for many men, and it can have a significant impact on their self-esteem and confidence. Rather than letting your baldness own you, take control and follow our simple steps to get your confidence back today!

How To Look Good Bald – 6 Easy Steps To Follow!

So what are the rules, and how can you look good with a bald head? Here are 8  easy steps that show you how:

Follow our 6 steps to look good bald

1. Keep a fresh face and clean skin

Keeping your skin looking fresh and clean will contribute plenty to how you look and feel. We all make quick judgments about each other based on our looks and the first thing we see is a person’s face. A basic skincare routine could make a world of difference in how your skin feels and boost your confidence. A skincare routine can be easy- cleanse every evening, exfoliate once a week, and apply sun protection and moisturizer daily. Get into this anti-aging routine whether you are bald or not- and you will thank yourself for it later!

2. Master the facial stubble

If growing a full beard is not your style, or seems like too much hassle, then mastering facial stubble goes a long way. Facial hair can add a whole new dimension to the way you look, especially if you are bald, by bringing attention to the lower half of your face and defining your jawline. Facial hair takes the focus away from the top of your head, allowing you more confidence and a rugged appeal.

bald man grooming

3. Keep your head clean shaved – and moisturize!

Moisturising doesn’t just apply to the face – but the rest of your head too. If your skin is exposed to sunlight and the elements daily, you need to give it some care and attention. Keeping your head clean-shaven is important but remember shaving is known to cause irritation and dryness ¹. Regular shaving creates friction which could make you look lacklustre, dull or rough in places. A light moisturizer will help hydrate the skin and keep you looking youthful and glowing. This simple addition will soon make you realize how much it can add to your overall look.

4. Try the gym, get bigger shoulders.

Our body shapes can play a big part in how we are perceived by others. You may find working on your physique could help you stand out in a crowd even if you are conscious of your hair loss. It’s all about proportion and by hitting the gym you can broaden your shoulders and take the heat off your head. Working out the upper half of your body, shoulders, neck, and upper arms will help balance out your look. There’s no downside to this part of the deal. Not sure where to start in the gym? Check out this upper body workout for beginners.

5. Improve your posture and act confident

Perhaps the easiest way to look good bald is to carry yourself confidently. Confidence is attractive and it can be self-taught ². If you emulate self-belief then others will soon believe in you too. Try looking up some videos or read a book on how to tap into your inner confidence. Remember, you can’t please everyone, so concentrate on being the best version of yourself. The people you care about will love you for who you are.

6. Consider scalp micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can change your look from a receding or completely bald head to a full head of shaved hair by applying cosmetic pigment to your hairline. This treatment is permanent so look into the pros and cons of SMP before seriously considering it as an option to enhance your shaved head look.

3. Keep your head clean shaved – and moisturize!

Moisturising doesn’t just apply to the face – but the rest of your head too. If your skin is exposed to sunlight and the elements daily, you need to give it some care and attention. Keeping your head clean-shaven is important but remember shaving is known to cause irritation and dryness ¹. Regular shaving creates friction which could make you look lacklustre, dull or rough in places. A light moisturizer will help hydrate the skin and keep you looking youthful and glowing. This simple addition will soon make you realize how much it can add to your overall look.

4. Try the gym, get bigger shoulders.

Our body shapes can play a big part in how we are perceived by others. You may find working on your physique could help you stand out in a crowd even if you are conscious of your hair loss. It’s all about proportion and by hitting the gym you can broaden your shoulders and take the heat off your head. Working out the upper half of your body, shoulders, neck, and upper arms will help balance out your look. There’s no downside to this part of the deal. Not sure where to start in the gym? Check out this upper body workout for beginners.

5. Improve your posture and act confident

Perhaps the easiest way to look good bald is to carry yourself confidently. Confidence is attractive and it can be self-taught ². If you emulate self-belief then others will soon believe in you too. Try looking up some videos or read a book on how to tap into your inner confidence. Remember, you can’t please everyone, so concentrate on being the best version of yourself. The people you care about will love you for who you are.

6. Consider scalp micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can change your look from a receding or completely bald head to a full head of shaved hair by applying cosmetic pigment to your hairline. This treatment is permanent so look into the pros and cons of SMP before seriously considering it as an option to enhance your shaved head look.

7. Keep Your Tan Topped Up

A tanned skin tone can make the contrast between the skin and hair less noticeable, which can make your bald head appear less prominent when you are out and about as well as creating the illusion of a more youthful and healthy appearance. It’s important to note that excessive sun exposure can be harmful to the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. Therefore, it’s important that you protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen, wearing a hat, or staying in the shade during peak sun hours.

8. Pair Your Bald Head with Stylish Shades

Many men want to know how to look good bald and assume that the only answer is to alter and improve their physical form and looks. However, there is one really simple method that you can use immediately without buying a gym pass or waiting for facial hair to grow! Sunglasses! Investing in a quality pair of sunglasses that work well to frame your face will help add a layer of interest and really show off your baldness in the best possible way! Some of the best styles to choose include aviators, wayfarers and club masters, but try on a range of different options to get the right look for you.

How to look good bald

How to look good with a shaved head if being bald doesn’t suit you.

Firstly, we think a shaved head looks great on any man! However, if the bald head look isn’t doing it for you and you want to find a way to regain the look you once enjoyed, there are options to consider, such as scalp micropigmentation treatment.

Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that uses micro-needles to deposit pigments into the scalp to create the illusion of a full head of hair without having to go through expensive and painful processes like hair transplants. SMP can even boost your confidence by giving you your hairline back, learn all about how SMP treatment works here.

Skalp® have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.

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Updated on: 9th May 2022


  1. T. Sukakul, (2021) Facial hair shaving behaviour and skin problems of shaved areas of males. J Dermatol. Volume 48 (Issue 9) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1346-8138.16034 (Online) 9 May 2022
  2. N. P. Li, (2020) Confidence is sexy and it can be trained: Examining male social confidence in initial opposite-sex interactions. Journal of Personality. Volume 88 (Issue 6) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jopy.12568 (Online) 9 May 2022
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