Tom had the Skalp® Micro Pigmentation treatment in 2014. We wanted to know how things were going after one year. Was he still pleased with the outcome? Would he still happily recommend it to his friends? Had there been any issues after the treatment was done?
Tom is 31 years old and is stationed in Stafford as a soldier in the army. Naturally keeping ultra-fit for his vocation he also enjoys body building as a leisure activity. When I asked him when he first realised he was losing his hair he told me he could not really pin-point a time. Like most guys suffering from male pattern baldness it was an excruciatingly gradual process. Because no-one really wants to accept they are losing their hair it is much easier to ignore a few lost hairs over a long period of time.
A slow loss of hair
But he believes it really started in his early twenties and so has been increasingly getting worse over the past 7 or 8 years. He first saw it as a problem when his mates in his barracks (as guys naturally will!) started to take the mick. Tom is not a sensitive guy but he is very proud of his appearance and goes out of his way to make sure he presents well. This is perhaps one of the reasons he gets such a big kick out of body building. Rather than his hair loss zapping his confidence it was a blow to his self-esteem. Worse still he was beginning to feel old before his time.
He spent many hours scanning the internet trying to find ways to deal with his hair loss. Looking back now he laughs at some of the dubious methods he came across such as “spraying black on your head”. He decided to find out more about having a hair transplant and visited a consultant in Harley Street.
A hair transplant?
It was a really bad experience. He found the consultant unfriendly, if not rude. He failed to really explain the process well and Tom did not feel comfortable in asking too many questions. Part of the investigative process included placing marks on his head to determine how the transplant would lie. He found out afterwards these marks had not been rubbed off and he had been working around town looking rather strange. Tom also felt that at £8,500 a treatment which could not be guaranteed was just too much of a risk.
A year ago he came across Skalp® through a forum on the internet and was impressed by the friendly honest approach and attitude. Opposite to his hair transplant experience he found practitioners to be down to earth, approachable and very knowledgeable about their work. He feels especially lucky that he had Marcin from Skalp in Manchester who he feels was very skilled, put him at ease and explained the process very well.
How does he feel now after a year has passed following the treatment? Tom only wished that he had known about the treatment earlier. Because he cares so much about how he looks and his general appearance he has found both his confidence has hit a new high. He feels younger and can hold his head high because he knows he looks good – especially when he is doing his body building.
It may be over a year from when Tom had Micro Pigmentation but he is still in contact with Skalp® and only recently he went back to chat with the guys for a top up. Certainly a success story for Tom and in the world of body building a name it would be good to watch out for.
At Skalp® Micro Pigmentation we care about your hair. Micro Pigmentation is a treatment for hair loss which allows you to get back in control of thinning hair and make a fashion statement at the same time. To learn more about our Scalp Micropigmentation click here.
Skalp® have clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.
Book an appointment for a complimentary consultation today