Part 1: Hair Loss Prevention
Only too often, hair loss issues are only dealt with when it is far too late. If sufferers reacted to the condition a lot earlier, they would possibly find they would have a great deal more options in how to deal with it and could actually stop it in its tracks. With that in mind, here at Skalp® have created a three-part blog series looking at the three essential phases: prevention, treatment and enhancement. Today we look at prevention.
Care for your hair
If you care for your hair and look after it on a daily basis you are 90% of the way there. You will recognise when quickly when there is a problem and so can act fast to find a remedy. Also if you care for your hair you will be using the shampoos and conditioners that suit your hair on a regular basis meaning your hair will be nurtured and more likely to be strong and vibrant.
Good diet
A good diet is important for keeping all parts of our body healthy and the hair is no exception. Omega -3 which is so good for the brain and found in fish is also good for healthy hair. At Halloween save those pumpkin seeds to give your hair nutrients, fruit such as strawberries will offer that vital vitamin c and a good dose of protein through your favourite meats are essential.
Don’t Stress
When we get down, our bodies suffer too. All our energies are used keeping our heads above water instead of helping us grow strong, so if you are stressed out you may well see hair problems too. If you are permanently stressed out you need to change things and not just for the sake of your hair! With your partner or a trusted work colleague discuss life issues or even better spend some time with a counsellor to get yourself back on track.
Give fashion a rest
Some hair fashions will cause hair loss: this is called traction alopecia. It is most prevalent in styles such as cornrows, dreadlocks and pony tails. When these styles are in all the time it causes stress on the hair follicles and causes the hair to fall out over time. Give the style a rest when not on show.
Talk to an expert
Expert advice at the right time is invaluable. When you feel you may be losing hair you need to determine what is the cause of the problem. Don’t hide the issue away or deny it, contact your GP or your hair stylist and get their opinion – it could be solved very quickly.
Watch out for the next two articles on treatment and enhancement.
Scalp Micro Pigmentation offers a great service for people struggling with hair loss or who just want to join the bald fashion trend and look their very best. Trained practitioners apply pigments to the scalp so it appears as if you have a full head of hair – but cut fashionably short.
Skalp® has clinics around the world. We have clinics in New York, Los Angeles, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin.
Book an appointment for a complimentary consultation today