
Hair Loss

Paul’s Story – Overcoming Hair loss  Paul Connolly was already a professional fitness instructor and a respected author when he first found Skalp. A

Looking after your hair during hot summer months Hot summer months? Who am I kidding you may well ask. If the weather is anything

8 steps to saying goodbye to hair loss and getting a new lease of life! Scalp micro pigmentation offers the perfect answer to hair

Hair loss: it is essential to take control – fast! The major problem with dealing with hair loss is sufferers often do not deal

Can a tattoo change your life? Here are Skalp we think it can. Over the last 10 years’ tattoos have proved to be at

The unbelievable truth about scalp micro pigmentation… Scalp micro pigmentation is fast becoming both the great scientific treatment and the coolest way to deal

They say that all publicity is good publicity and if anyone is a master at publicity then it has to be Donald Trump. Every

The good news is scientists are a step closer to being able to cure hair loss. Researchers in Japan have managed to grow skin

There are some really weird myths about what could cause hair loss or even worse what could actually cure it. Some of those ugly

We are lucky with the NHS here in the UK that if we want to get tested for some of the more serious illnesses,

The internet is a much safer place to be now. Security apps are a great deal more effective, computer users have a lot more

Probably the most well-known form of alopecia is alopecia areata. But did you know there are actually four different types of alopecia?    

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